In line with the global campaigne for women's empowerment and the goals of the United Nations Organisation and many of its agencies which affirm fundamental human rights, including equal rights of …
Why, with a majority of women on the planet, is it still a man's world? I'm Not A Feminist, But... astutely and wittily delves into the world of the sexes. This book probes into our conscience's un…
Compassion’s Program Field Manual describes cognitive development as being that in which an individual perceives, thinks and gains understanding of his or her surroundings. It is the ability of a…
Growing inequalities and unregulated finances are expropriating people everywhere from their fair share in the benefits of global prosperity.
The paper recommends a multi-stakeholder approach to ICT policy development that reigns in not only African governments but also other stakeholders in Africa’s ICT revolution. This, it argues, wi…
This book compiles the in-depth, background research that informed the publication Boom and Dislocation (Third World Network- Africa, 2001). The contributors explore the role of mining in the devel…
* An issues-based approach to global change from a Southern perspective* A popular introductory text on contemporary development issues * A great companion to John Isbister's "Promises Not Kept"* R…
* Shows how development agencies have responded to the need for gender equality at all levels of operation * Scrutinizes the efficacy of gender mainstreaming’s thirty-year history Gender main…
Released by UNIFEM, this report reveals that much stronger accountability mechanisms for tracking progress on gender equality are needed in order to meet national and international commitments to w…
The increasing role of large developing countries in global trade, finance, investment and governance, coupled with their rapid economic growth, has stimulated debate on the implications for Africa…
This qualitative study examines the development impact of remittances, with a focus on the gender dimension. It considers the case of migration from Vicente Noble, a rural community in the south-we…
This publication is intended to make a modest contribution to the development debate by providing a brief overview of women's concerns in the areas of human settlements decision-making, employment …
THIS SHORT PUBLICATION argues that women remain largely invisible in research and statistics on human settlements development, and what little relevant information does exist is seldom used to info…
Even before the financial turmoil turned into a full-blown crisis in September 2008, growth of gross domestic product (GDP) had ground to a halt in most developed countries. Subsequently the slowd…
This is the second of a two-volume work taking stock of the study of Africa in the twenty-first century: its status, research agenda and approaches, and place. It is divided into two parts, the fir…
“This is a timely publication that presents admirably critical assessments of the role and relevance of ‘African Studies’ — its content, its march from Eurocentrism to be solidly based in c…
The African Women Mobilizing Initiative on Impoverishment and Human Rights(AWOMI), based in Dakar, Senegal, was launched in May 2005 in Limuru, Kenya.AWOMI's establishment was triggered by the fact…
Provides a theory of applied political economy to explain the interface between society and adult education in developing countries. This book analyzes specific issues which affect adult education:…
The first profile on the status of women in Malawi was produced in 1997 by the University of Malawi (UNIMA) and SARDC WIDSAA, as part of the first series of Beyond Inequalities, which documented th…
Since independence in 1966, Botswana has experienced remarkable and rapid economic growth, transformation, and social development. However, despite its economic successes the country has numerous c…